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Guardforce’s Smart Cleaning Solution Featured In Smart Vision Magazine

Guardforce's Smart Bin at Hong Kong Science Park

Guardforce Group’s Assistant General Manager, Business Development, Steven Leung shared smart city vision in an article headlined “Keeping Our City Clean with Smart City Solutions” in Smart Vision magazine. He said that Guardforce’s smart cleaning solutions are introduced to answer needs in the community, and that innovative technology can be leveraged to efficiently manage rubbish disposal and toilet cleaning to create a more hygienic environment.

The smart bin and smart cleaning solutions both make use of big data and sensors to support every aspect of hygiene management. They can be implemented at minimal costs with simple optimisation procedures to achieve significant savings in manpower and capital while maintaining the efficiency of hygiene management. The solutions also ensure safety, enhance the quality of life and contribute to environmental protection.

Smart Vision Magazine 2019 July Issue P34

Smart Vision magainze 2019 July Issue P35

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