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Vitals Sensor Wins Awards At The International Exhibition Of Inventions Of Geneva

Vital Signs Sensor wins Award at Geneva Inventions | GF Technvoation

Congratulations to Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) on winning a silver medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva with the vital signs sensor! Thank you for the trust and confidence in GF Technovation and Guardforce in delivering and implementing the solution, along with other partners involved in this project to make it successful.

The contactless vital signs sensor can scan a monitored space constantly to check for three vital signs – heart rate, breathing and motion. If someone is motionless, it starts to measure the person’s heart rate and breathing, and issue an alert if any irregularity is detected.

The patented sensor is ideal for use at elderly homes, hospitals and care facilities, and EMSD has adopted it for correctional facilities as a health monitoring solution to ensure personnel safety. Guardforce is proud to be involved in this EMSD project and very pleased that the sensor has already saved lives.

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