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Ways To Prevent And Slow The Progress Of Alzheimer’s And Dementia

Dementia and its main cause Alzheimer’s disease causes impairments in memory, thinking and behavior. Though the majority of dementia suffers are the elderly, experts now believe the risks of developing the disorder can start long before that, perhaps in middle age. In fact, around 1 in every 20 people with Alzheimer's disease are under the age of 65. This is called early- or young-onset Alzheimer's disease. So it is always important to look after your mental and brain health even in your younger years, especially through cognitive training and other lifestyle choices. Thankfully, there are quite a few ways to lower your risk of neurodegenerative disease or, if symptoms are already present, slow the deterioration. In this blog, we will look at various ways to prevent and slow the progress of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Causes of Alzheimer’s and dementia

Though not fully understood, there seem to be a number of possible causes of Alzheimer’s and dementia. These include, increasing age, a family history of the conditions, depression, head injury and cardiovascular disease. Though some of these risk factors are out of a person’s control, we can help to at least minimize the ones that are.

How to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia

As mentioned, increasing age, head injury and a family history of Alzheimer’s and dementia are risks out of our control, however certain lifestyle choices can lower a person’s overall risk of developing the disorder. The 7 “pillars” for better general and mental health are:

  • Regular exercise
  • Social engagement
  • Mental stimulation
  • Healthy diet
  • Quality sleep
  • Stress management
  • Vascular Health

Unfortunately, the majority of elderly people do not have sufficient exercise, either due to their physical limitations, or no motivation to do so.  This also extends to mental stimulation and social engagement due to isolation, lack of energy, enthusiasm or simply ways to do so. However, there are companies such as GF Technovation who offer various ways to help. GF Technovation, for instance, has 3 solutions to encourage mental training, social engagement and exercise, which can be easily adopted into daily life, particularly for the elderly.

ExBrain sensor

Ideal for use at home or at elderly care centers, ExBrain is a pocket-sized cognitive brain sensor designed by NeU Corporation. The device uses near-infrared technology to safely measure brain activity in real time so users can optimize their cognitive training based on the brain activeness on specific part either while using the associated mobile app, named Brain Meter, which includes specially designed drills, quizzes and puzzles, or even while doing other activities such as reading.

It means users can train their mental agility themselves and at their own pace anywhere they like.

VR360 Virtual Tour

Thanks to advancements in virtual reality technology, using VR goggle, seniors can now take 360 degree VR tours of Hong Kong from the comfort of their own seats. It helps to stimulate brain activity and give a sense of well-being. The content of the tour can also be tailored if needed.

Obie Interactive projector

The Obie Interactive projector is essentially an interactive gaming console which uses an advanced projector and built-in speakers. The image projects on any surface such as table, wall or floor and allows users to play cognitive games by touching projected images. This not only stimulates cognitive activity, it also encourages movement and social interaction with other players. There are more than 50 fun cognitive games to try. See the device in action here:

Learn more about GF Technovation’s elderly well-being solutions

Though the causes of Alzheimer’s and dementia are not fully understood, mental training, social engagement and exercise, from early in life to later in life, seem to help in preventing or slowing the onset. GF Technovation’s elderly well-being solutions offer various ways to boost mental health, as well as encourage social interaction and exercise to lower the risks or slow the symptoms of neurodegenerative disease. To learn more, click here.

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