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GF Technovation Joined Rethink 2022 To Support Sustainability Development

GF Technovation joined Rethink 2022

GF Technovation took part in RETHINK 2022 held on 5-6 Oct 2022. The successful forum on sustainability aims to share insights and inspiration for driving sustainable development across globally recognised risk and opportunity topics in the Hong Kong context. 

GF Technovation uses innovative solutions to support various sectors in waste management and recycling, contributing to building a sustainable future with green solutions. We showcased our latest innovative solutions with on-site demonstration of our featured products tailor-made for commercial operation, including the Smart Food Waste Bin and the Auto-sorting Recycling Bin.

The Rethink Expo 2022 successfully concluded, with participants responded positively after experiencing our sustainable development innovative solutions in person. GF Technovation’s team has also gained insights into customers’ needs for waste recycling via interaction with the attendees. We look forward to discussing with more business leaders and stakeholders about the ESG initiatives again in next year’s show.

Auto-sorting recycling bin | GF Technovation@Rethink 2022 Food Waste Collection Bin | GF Technovotion@Rethink 2022

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